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22 June 2023 Posted by 

Cheaper Child Care now available for 9,300 Greenway families

We know that families are feeling the pressure of rising costs of living.
That’s why we’re increasing the Child Care Subsidy from July. This is a big reform that is good for children, good for families, and good for Australia.
From 1 July, families across our community will benefit from more affordable childcare.
This means 9,300 families here in Greenway will save on their childcare costs.
In total, 96 per cent of Australian families will be better off under Labor’s childcare reforms – 1.26 million families.
Under the Liberal/National Government fees increased by 49%. We’re driving down out-of-pocket costs. Under our changes a family on a combined income of $120,000 with one child in care will save around $1,700 in the first year of this plan alone.
In the fi rst year alone, a family on a combined income of $90,0 0 0  a year with one child in child care three days a week will save $1,140.
This delivers real cost of living relief to local families, and boosts productivity by supporting parents, particularly mums, to work more paid hours if they want to.
Early learning and care is important for our children’s development, and now it will be even more accessible for families across our community.
It’s a win for kids, for families and for the economy.             
     Michelle Rowland is Minister for Communications and Federal Member for Greenway. www.michellerowland.com.au


Michael Walls
0407 783 413

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